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Politehnica University Timisoara (UPT) is one of the biggest technical universities from Central and Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1920 and currently is ranked on the 1st place in Engineering in Romania as Technical University according to Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023. This place is confirmed in the recent 2023 ranking by Best Universities in Romania 2023 Ranking |, where UPT keeps its number one position as best technical and engineering university and second best overall.

Over 12 500 students are registered in UPT at different study cycles (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), while more than 600 teaching staff and 700 administrative staff work to support you Design Your Future!

Politehnica University Timisoara has 10 faculties :

  • Faculty of Architecture and City Planning;
  • Faculty of Automation and Computers;
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering;
  • Faculty of Communication Sciences;
  • Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering;
  • Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies;
  • Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering;
  • Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation;
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
  • Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara.

Politehnica University Timisoara owns an educational and research infrastructure – buildings and equipment – comparable with the most prestigious European universities. Important investments in infrastructure were made during the last years. The students of Politehnica University Timisoara have at their disposal a modern student campus, comprising two cafeterias and 16 student residences offering more than 5500 accommodation places. All 1800 student rooms are furnished, have Internet connection and cable television.

Strategic Plan for the Internationalisation of Education 2021 – 2028

The university has over 350 Erasmus+ agreements and around 100 framework cooperation agreements with universities from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. Every year more than 200 students do a study or industrial placement abroad, while over 100 students from partner institutions come to study or do an industrial placement under the supervision of an UPT coordinator.

In the academic year 2022-2023 international students from 25 countries: Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Chad, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Spain, Sudan, USA, Turkey and Ukraine are enrolled in full-degree study programmes.

At the same time, students from 10 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Hungary) carry out study and traineeship mobilities at UPT through the Erasmus+ program.

PIC: 999856795 (to be used for projects managed by EACEA)
OID: E10208767 (to be used for Erasmus+ projects managed by National Agencies and the European Solidarity Corps)
ECHE 2021-2027: Ref. Ares(2021)1527622 – 27/2/2021


Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator, Head of the Department for International Relations

Prof. univ. Dr. ec. Claudiu ALBULESCU

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piața Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 106
Phone: +40-256-403033

Head of the Erasmus+ Office

Lect. univ. Dr. Claudia STOIAN

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piața Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 106
Phone: +40-256-403174


  • coordination of activities related to outgoing and incoming Erasmus+ students, academic and administrative staff;
  • organisation and coordination of promotion activities and of Erasmus+ information campaigns within UPT;
  • counseling the beneficiaries, supporting them in preparing their mobility files and carrying out their mobility;
  • checking the mobility documents for accuracy and monitoring the flow of specific legal documents for outgoing Erasmus+ mobilities;
  • synthesis of Erasmus+ financial information;
  • management of outgoing Erasmus+ mobilities for academic and administrative staff;
  • management of data regarding outgoing staff in Mobility Tool.
Erasmus+ Office (Outgoing student mobilities to programme countries)


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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403034


  • administrative support for Erasmus+ KA103 / KA131 outgoing students and graduates (information, selection, preparation of documents, ongoing contact with students and host universities, monitoring the progress of the mobilities, recognition, monitoring the flow of specific documents in electronic or printed format);
  • promoting participation in the programme, information campaigns for outgoing students, creation of materials for disseminating the results;
  • entering data into the Mobility Tool for outgoing Erasmus students;
  • responsible for work health and safety, fire prevention.
Erasmus+ Office (Mobilities to/from partner countries)


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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timișoara ,RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403034


  • administrative support for the Erasmus+ programme with partner countries (KA107; KA171): incoming and outgoing mobilities for students and staff (information, selection, preparation of the documentation, ongoing contact with outgoing and incoming beneficiaries and the home/host universities, monitoring the document flow and the mobilities, the correct movement of specific documents in electronic or printed format, conclusion and recognition);
  • promoting the Erasmus+ programme with partner countries, development of information campaigns, creation of materials to disseminate the KA107 / KA171 results;
  • specific data entry in the Mobility Tool;
  • updating the UPT pages on and
Erasmus+ Office (Incoming student and staff mobilities from programme countries)


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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Tel: +40-256-403134


  • administrative support for incoming students and staff under the Erasmus+ KA103 / KA131 programme, bilateral agreement exchanges, or free-movers (information, preparation of the documents, maintaining contact with incoming beneficiaries and their home universities, monitoring the document flow and the mobilities, the correct movement of specific documents in electronic or printed format);
  • promoting the Erasmus+ programme for incoming students;
  • creating materials to disseminate the results;
  • implementing the SAMOB internal project.
Office for International Cooperation (Agreements, CEEPUS, EEA Grants)

Adriana IACOB

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403135


  • management of cooperation agreements (Erasmus+ KA103 / KA131, Erasmus+ KA107 / KA171, framework cooperation agreements, double-degree agreements, etc.) with universities and foreign institutions;
  • monitoring the partnerships and international academic networks, programs and educational projects other than Erasmus+ (including CEEPUS);
  • cooperation with AUF (including E. Ionescu scholarships);
  • promoting non-Erasmus scholarship programmes;
  • administrative support for long-term visiting teacher activities (excluding Erasmus+);
  • implementing the EEA grants projects 19-MOB-0025 & 21-MOB-0016;
  • updating the DRI website;
  • managing the newsletter;
  • translation.
Office for International Mobility (Mobility orders, ISI programme)

Andreea ROTARU

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timişoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403135


  • handling the documents for the issuance of the Rector’s Ordinance (other mobilities than Erasmus+);
  • updating the database with staff and student mobilities abroad (excluding Erasmus +);
  • implementing the ISI programme;
  • maintaining international affiliations (EUA, AUE, AUF, AUDEM, BENA, EADTU, EATA, EDEN, EUBREN, IADI, etc);
  • updating DRI internal registry and archives;
  • distributing mail within DRI;
  • procuring products and materials (planning and reception).
Office for International Students

Loredana Maria MUSTĂŢEA

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timișoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403187


  • administrative support in the recruitment process, submission of applications, obtaining the acceptance letters, organizing the arrival and stay of foreign students, including Romanian ethnics from abroad, who enroll at UPT for full-degree programmes (providing information, handling their files and documents, registration, visas, accommodation, UPT accounts and cards, health insurance, contact with the relevant department of the Ministry of Education, monitoring the students);
  • updating the database of foreign students;
  • maintaining the communication flow with the faculties and the Immigration Services.
Office for International Students (Full-degree non-EU students, Romanian ethnics from abroad)


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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timişoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Tel: +40-256-403187


  • administrative support in the recruitment process, submission of applications, obtaining the acceptance letters, organizing the arrival and stay of foreign students, including Romanian ethnics from abroad, who enroll at UPT for full-degree programmes (providing information, handling their files and documents, registration, visas, accommodation, UPT accounts and cards, health insurance, contact with the relevant department of the Ministry of Education, monitoring the students);
  • updating the database of foreign students;
  • maintaining the communication flow with the faculties and the Immigration Services.
Erasmus+ Office (outgoing staff mobilities)

Anamaria ȘTEFU

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Address: UPT Rectorate (n. 2, Piaţa Victoriei, Timişoara, RO-300006) – office 107
Phone: +40-256-403134


  • handling the documents for outgoing Erasmus+ staff mobilities (training or teaching)