Which are the nomination requirements and deadlines?
- Name of the mobility programme (Erasmus+, bilateral agreement, double-degree programme etc.)
- Name and surname of the student
- E-mail of the student
- The semester(s) in which their mobility is expected to take place (1st/2nd)
- Study cycle of the student at the home university (Bachelor, Master, PhD) and year of study
- ISCED code for the mobility (as per the Erasmus+ agreement in place)
- Fall semester or whole academic year: June 18th
- Spring semester: December 10th
- Late nominations and student application files which arrive after the deadlines will be processed if time allows.
Which courses are available for exchange students?
Course catalogue is available here.
Which documents need to be submitted by the student after the nomination? Who signs the learning agreement?
Host faculty at Politehnica University Timișoara |
Name | |
Doctoral school (for PhD students) | Prof. Dr. ing. Dorin LELEA | dorin.lelea@upt.ro |
Architecture and City Planning | Conf. Dr. arh. Cătălina BOCAN | catalina.bocan@upt.ro |
Automation and Computers |
Conf. Dr. ing. Ciprian-Bogdan CHIRILĂ
Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering | Ș.l. Dr. ing. Ana-Maria PANĂ | anamaria.pana@upt.ro |
Civil Engineering | Prof. Dr. ing. Sorin HERBAN | sorin.herban@upt.ro |
Electrical and Power Engineering | Conf. Dr. ing. Attila SIMO | attila.simo@upt.ro |
Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies | Ș.l. Dr. ing. Muguraș MOCOFAN | muguras.mocofan@upt.ro |
Engineering in Hunedoara | Conf. Dr. ing. Sorin-Aurel RAȚIU | sorin.ratiu@upt.ro |
Management in Production and Transportation | Conf. Dr. ing. Ilie TĂUCEAN | ilie.taucean@upt.ro |
Mechanical Engineering | Conf. Dr. ing. Cosmina VIGARU | cosmina.vigaru@upt.ro |
Communication Sciences | Conf. Dr. Simona-Cristina ȘIMON | simona.simon@upt.ro |
- Fall semester: June 18th
- Spring semester: December 10th.
When is the acceptance letter issued?
Is campus accommodation available?
• 2 students per room. It is not possible to pay double in order to have the room to yourself. You may request however to stay in the same room with someone you know. Male and female students are not placed in the same room unless they both request it and they are related or married.
• Rooms have high speed Internet connection, TV cable, fridge, furniture and bed linen. Students do not pay utilities.
• Bathrooms, laundry rooms, reading rooms & kitchens are shared. Irons, ironing boards, cooking ware and tableware are not provided.
• Student residences have security systems that include video surveillance and entry based on electronic cards.
What should the student do upon arrival in Timisoara?
REGISTRATION. Exchange students are advised to make an appointment for registration soon after their arrival in Timișoara. Registration is done at the Department for International Relations (UPT Rectorate, Piata Victoriei n. 2, 1st floor, office 107) from Monday to Thursday between 12:00 and 15:30 and on Friday between 11:00 and 13:00. For registration the student will present:
- his/her identity card or passport (with the required visa for non-EU citizens);
- his/her health and civil liability insurance;
- any documents required by the home university to be signed in original at arrival by the host university (certificate of attendance, learning or training agreement, etc.).
ENROLMENT. The enrolment procedure starts after the student registers at the Department for International Relations. Once the enrolment is completed, the student will receive his/her internet access credentials from the Department of International Relations and will be able to pick up his/her national student card from the faculty.
ORIENTATION. The Department for International Relations organises at the start of each semester an orientation programme providing exchange students with essential information about the university and its facilities. It is highly recommended to attend the orientation programme sessions, as it will facilitate your integration in the local community.
STUDENT CARDS. UPT students have two different types of student cards:
- The national student card is issued upon registration by the host faculty. The student must submit two identity card photos (3 cm x 4 cm) for the student card to be issued. The card confirms your status as a student in Romania and it gives you access to certain benefits, such as discounts on entrance fees to museums. The student needs to be able to present this document at every exam he/she takes.
- The UPT student card is issued upon registration by the library. It allows the student access to the infrastructure of the university, including the student residences, the sport centres and the library.
CHANGES IN THE LEARNING AGREEMENT. If needed, the list of courses can be changed during the first 30 days of your mobility.
Is attendance required? What should the student do before departure?
- ECTS and grading system at UPT
- Erasmus Student Charter – This document highlights your rights and obligations and informs you about what you can expect from your sending and receiving organisation at each step of your mobility.
- Rights of international students
- Erasmus Student Network Timisoara
- Erasmus Mobile Application (https://erasmusapp.eu/index.html)
- Join us on Facebook and Instagram!