The accommodation in the dormitories of the university is available for all UPT students which need it, at the cost of approximately 65 euros/month.
The rooms available in the dormitories of UPT are shared by 2 students. The bathroom, kitchen, reading room, laundry room are also shared. Upon arrival, a deposit of 600 RON (Romanian lei) in cash will be necessary. The money will be reimbursed to the student at the end of the stay (generally, at the end of the study cycle, two weeks before they finish studies in UPT).
How do I apply for the accommodation?
- You inform the Department for International Students by writing an e-mail to in which you mention that you will need accommodation during your studies in UPT.
- Note: After receiving the letter of acceptance, candidates will need the ”proof of accommodation” and the ”proof of payment of the tuition fees” to apply for the Romanian visa. These are the two documents that need to be requested and issued by the university. Together with these two documents, the candidate should specify that accommodation will be needed as well.
What do I do after arriving in Timișoara? Where do I go?
- Go to the dormitory located in Timisoara, UPT Campus, Aleea Sportivilor no. 8C –14C, with access from Aleea Sportivilor, Aurelianus, Alexandru Vaida Voievod or Dalia Street. See details here.
- Note: If you will arrive outside working hours (for example, after 4pm Romanian time on weekdays or on weekends), you are expected to let us know in advance. Otherwise, you will have to book a different place to stay until the next working day. This is important because we need some time to prepare documents for your accommodation and let the administration know to prepare the room for you.
Office for International Students